
One of the things that initially attracted me to the Gnarly Nutrition company was their rad looking steel canisters that house their protein powder and collage supplements. I thought it was kind of badass and tough looking. I also envisioned how many useful ways I could use repurpose them when I finished off the product inside. Although I love matching Tupperware, I have a hard time recycling or throwing away plastic containers, glass jars and Ziploc bags. Sure, it’s trendy to get those “reusable bags” for my snacks…but to me a Ziploc is reusable until the zipper doesn’t work anymore. Just wash and dry it and it’s fine.

Upon signing with Gnarly, I learned more about their sustainability initiative concerning those cool looking canisters and how they aim to go with completely steel packaging in the next year.

Steel is more than 71% infinitely recyclable whereas plastic is only 8% recyclable. That means plastic can only be reused 1-2 times before it ends up in a landfill. At 71%, those steel canisters have a very long life.

Steel is more durable and immediately reusable than plastic (duh…I have repurposed my steel and it looks beautiful holding my Spring flowers on my kitchen table).

2/3 of all Gnarly’s new steel comes from recycled steel.

All their products are manufactured in the US reducing the greenhouse gas build up from carbon emissions.

Some other issues with plastic recycling is that there are no real standards in manufacturing to decipher how quickly a product will breakdown, under what conditions are necessary for the breakdown to occur and into what components. This means that when companies make plastic they do not need to be conscious of environmental impact at production, during usage nor be concerned with the effect of breakdown where the product ends up.

Instead of taking the “greenwashing” stance and just encourage proper plastic use, Gnarly simply opted out and uses materials that are completely recyclable. To me, that is making a difference.

In the month of April, I am making a commitment to learn more about this initiative and about my own recycling habits. I can do better and I am given a step up having Gnarly help me out.

Next step…a composter.

Ellie Pell